Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Four Years of Jeans.

I am sick. I have a cold/flu/whatever. So I went to the doctors, armed with anxiety and worry, knowing that the way they would chose to treat me was via antibiotics. So I wait patiently and quite quickly the nurse called me back. She asked me to step on the scale and I did. Now, here's where it gets interesting.

Before Crohn's, I did not want to look at that scale. I wouldn't even let them tell me. I shut my eyes very tightly and just liked to pretend it would say a number that I could live with. When I got first started having Crohn's symptoms, everything changed. My first visit, I as usual, refused to look at the scale. When I went on my second visit, two weeks later to be re diagnosed (wrong again), the nurse made a comment about my weight, so I asked her. In the span of two weeks, I had lost close to 20 pounds. I had been so miserable that I hadn't even realized it. On the next visit (which she referred me to my gastro.) I had lost another 10. Today? I stepped on that scale and realized that in a span of 3-4 months (from flare up to now), I have lost a little more than 40 pounds. Holy f^&$ s&**.

It was hard for me to see it, because I don't usually notice weight loss like that. I felt my clothes differently, I heard people say it, but I couldn't visualize it. So I took a picture of some jeans...

The biggest ones? Those are from 2006-2007, my senior year of high school. Miserable weight. Horrible. The next are from the 2007-2008 year. I had started working more, started moving from class to class on campus, and the change was small, but an improvement. The next are from the 2008-2009 year. A slightly bigger gap between the two, but nothing major. And then this years jeans, a huge gap between the two. And those are not even my best fitting pair. Point is, I was losing, I was, but not like this. Not this huge gap.

So is this my trade off? My silver lining? I have this giant mess to deal with for the rest of my life, but BONUS! I will also lose weight for the rest of it? Will I get told I am prettier or get noticed more because my body has shrunk? People who say, "You look great! Have you lost weight?" I just don't know what to say. How do I tell them I didn't do this? That my body rebelled against me and forced me to. That is just crazy and I would never tell anyone that. So I just smile, nod, and change the subject as fast as possible. Because to me? This feels like cheating. I feel like this isn't me. Like if I were 40 pounds heavier still, people would not say a word about how I look.

I know, stupid little girl, whining about how she lost all this weight and didn't lift a finger. I would be thinking it too if I didn't understand it. I know this is my silver lining and I just cannot force myself to accept it. I wish I had earned it. I wish I had worked my ass of and got it that way. But I didn't. I want to be praised for my hard work and I didn't do any. It's maddening.

Stupid girl. Stupid Crohns.


Sunday, October 18, 2009

I don't want your pity, I want your support.

My dear friend,

If I could tell you this in person, I would. But I can't. I can't say the words to you without breaking into tears, I can't talk to you about what is happening without feeling my own heart swell up in worry. So read this, and just pretend I'm right there with you, explaining it all.

Remember when I got really sick a couple months ago? How I lost all that weight and just looked miserable? Remember how you would watch me clutch my stomach in pain? How I couldn't make it through one hour at work or one class without having to excuse myself? Remember how I had to keep going to doctors, and they kept telling me I was just sick?

Well, I was just sick. But it's the kind of sick that doesn't ever go away. I have what is called Crohn's Disease, and I'm telling you this because Crohn's will start to effect me in a different way. And I hope you are ok with me being quite frank when I am talking to you about this, because it's the only real way to describe it.

Crohn's Disease is a chronic illness that is also a type of IBS ,which, I know is kind of confusing. Basically, if you were a normal person, what happens when you eat something that upsets your stomach or intestines, they become inflamed, and that is what causes you to have gas, stomach aches, or long trips to the bathroom, right? Crohn's however, works differently. When my intestines become inflamed, my immune system thinks that my intestines are being attacked by something, and therefore go to work on it. However, the problem is that in all honestly my immune system is actually attacking my intestines, causing them to become even more inflamed and actually start to deteriorate.

Crohn's presents itself in people most often when they are in their late teens or early twenties, and usually happens as an after effect of another illness. I am 20 years old and right before I started experiencing the symptoms, I had just gotten over a virus. My symptoms included a lack of appetite, weight loss, constant bowel movement, lower abdomen cramps, and nausea. There is very little evidence as to what exactly triggers Crohn's Disease, or what causes it. DO NOT freak out and think that you may have it, I had my symptoms for over a month and it was only because I underwent a colonoscopy and endoscopy. They took biopsies from both my stomach and intestines and sent them off to be tested for a multitude of things. It took about a month for the final results to come back, and the biopsy from my intestines came back Crohns.

What I had back then? That was a flare-up. Something that occurred when everything I just described was set into motion. It was not a little one, like the kinds I have now, but an embarrassing month long painful episode. It was embarrassing to have to constantly excuse myself, to have to beg to have one of my coworkers come watch over the cafe so I could run to the bathroom. It was painful, because it is a constant cramp that you cannot ignore, because you are sore and bleeding. I've never been in so much agony as I was back then.

Right now? It's really scary. I take medication twice a day to help my stomach digest food and produce less acid, which will help inflame my intestines less. However, if I take it too late or early, it can mess with my system. I also have a restricted diet, with foods that I know I cannot eat. However, a big part of the diet will be trial and error, which makes eating a game of Russian Roulette. There are new treatments thought up everyday, such as IV treatments or raw food diets, but all these things are still options to explore. However, the trick will be figuring out the right combo of everything, so bear with me as I am tested like a guinea pig. However, from day to day I still have flare ups, which are painful and uncomfortable.

Yes, it could get worse. I could have another horrible month long flare up. I could start to not respond to my medication. I could get put on a much stricter diet, one were there is very little for me to eat. Parts of my intestines could die, and I could have to have surgery to remove them. I can't die from Crohn's, but I can face bouts of dehydration and because my immune system is compromised, I will always have to be really careful about being around sick people. Some of my biggest debates at the moments are what immunizations to get. So how I am now? This is the best it will ever be for me, so I am grateful.

I didn't tell you because I didn't know how to. I was scared that you would look at me differently, or that you wouldn't care at all. I was scared that you would think I wanted your pity or your sympathy. I just wanted to be who I had always been. I wanted to just be me, but as I get further into this, I realize that I have to tell you, because it may get bad. I have to tell you because some days will be better than others and I may need your help to get through them. I want you to ask questions if you have them, or read through my blog if you want. Because it is extremely hard for me to talk about it, and it will help if you understand this all.

It's still me, it's still Marisa. Yes it is a different me with a different set of rules and a new outlook on life, but I created this blog so that I could get through this all. This is me dealing with it, and as I said in my opening post, this is my journey though this and I am going to tell it. You are more than welcome to come along for it.

It is after all A Girl's Guide to Crohn's.


Saturday, October 3, 2009

The Next Step

Frequently I talk about how I am not ready to tell people. However, as I go more and more into this, I realize that I have to talk about it. So I took the first step, and called my old dance teacher, who suffers from Crohn's as well.

She answered the phone and I told her who I was, feeling the whole time I was about to burst into tears. And finally, as I started to cry, I said it,

"I have Crohn's and I'm scared"

The second I said it, I felt so much better. All the fear and anxiety I had left me the instant I said it. And she was so great. After asking about my symptoms and diagnosis, she told me her own story, so similar to mine. She gave me tons of great advice, both things I can do to avoid flare ups and what to do when I do have one. She also gave me tons of support, telling me what to expect and giving me a lot of hope. I just kept thinking,

"It's ok. See? You are going to be ok"

And not to say that there weren't some scary moments, because there were. There were some things that she told me, things that may happen to me in the future, like fistulas and such. She talked about painful flare ups and having to be a bit of a guinea pig while I figure out courses of treatments, but still. I felt such hope. Because she is still standing, still living, still moving forward.

It was a big step for me. I mean, it was a huge step. To tell someone who isn't my family or a close friend was a big moment. It's the first part of my recovery and acceptance, it's the first part of the me growing as a girl with Crohn's.

It's been a little over a month since I've been diagnosed, and I've only started to scratch the subject of who I am now, and who I will become. This disease has changed me, in a way that I never really thought that I would be. I realize now that because some of my days will be taken from me, I have to live the good ones amazingly great. Otherwise later I may miss them later on.

I can't promise that sometimes I still won't cry or break down. I can't swear that when I tell people I won't burst into tears. One of the best pieces of advice I've been given through all of this is this:

You are allowed to mourn the part of your life you are losing. You are allowed to be scared and worried. You can cry because this is scary. But you are strong, and you will survive this.

This is my life after all. My new one.